• Email: info@pkautomation.com.au
  • Phone: 1300636728

Driving project success through insights, strategy and advice

Informed decisions ensure the future success of your enterprise. PK engineering provides expert advisory services for strategy development, innovative solution development, operational improvements and technical advice across both the project and asset lifecycle. We combine a unique array of application experience and technical skills to offer analysis, insights, comparisons, perspectives and recommendations to help our clients make informed decisions for the future.

Our consultancy services include: requirements analysis and stakeholder consultation, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, implementation plans, concept designs, cost benefit analysis, system audits, detailed design, standards development, training and project management.


PK engineering ensures all parties:

 • Understand scope and project parameters through

  •  • Key stakeholder consultations
  •  • Requirements analysis
  •  • Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies

 • Recognise the best way forward and the associated requirements referencing our

  •  • Concept designs tailored to achieve set objectives
  •  • Cost benefit analysis providing a clear picture of the ROI

 • Proceed with planning and confidence backed by

  •  • Implementation plans
  •  • Systems audits
  •  • Detailed designs

 • Establish and maintain optimal performance standards

  •  • Project management
  •  • Standards development
  •  • Training
  •  • Documentation
Our difference is that we seek to understand yours and turn that into your commercial advantage.
Functional Safety
PK engineering’s in-house Functional Safety Experts understand the requirements of and how to comply with current industry safety standards for machinery (AS4024, AS62061, ISO 13849), process (AS61511), and electrical and electronic systems (AS61508).
We have experience implementing functional safety solutions for new and existing installations across multiple safety and Safety Instrumented Systems platforms. We have internal guidelines to develop and integrate our projects to align with the functional safety lifecycle process and practices.
Cyber Security of Networks and Systems
PK engineering is committed to implementing secure interfaces between client’s enterprise and operational networks according to current standards and guidelines, including guidelines from the Australian “IT Security Expert Advisory Group” (ITSEAG), the US ICS-CERT and the International Society of Automation (ISA) (i.e. ISA-99 / ISA-62443).